Is your email getting blocked?

If you've received an SMTP error code "550 Access denied..." when sending email to a UNTD (Juno/NetZero/myBlueLight) Mail account, it indicates that the mail has been blocked by our anti-spam filters.

A sample of the Access denied error transcript is shown below for your reference:

550 Access denied... 2ab079a1b0b0ddddc9a0c979793dd9d901e0e0e9e50489118d4d45e10d84d194446d8525359d90e4c925cd0551...

If you believe, that you mail has incorrectly been filtered by our anti-spam filters, please submit the below form by providing the entire mail delivery failure transcript, outbound IPs and other details. We will investigate the issue and take appropriate action.

NOTE: Please provide the email address of an authorized person at your domain, whom we may personally contact with unsubscribe requests on behalf of our members.

* Denotes mandatory fields